Zoë's Blog
Intuitive musings
Hello Darling!
I've had to have been reminded this week - yet again! - that no-one who lives on this planet gets to side-step illness, sickness, ill-health, injury, stress, or any of the other 'dis-eases' that show up in our body to reveal to us that something is out of balance in our lives. I've written about this before but I'm going to talk about it again because so many healers (including me!) fall into this trap time and again - we spend all our time and energies healing others while neglecting our own wellbeing. It's a twist on the 'cobbler's children' syndrome. Even the best healers and the most enlightened spiritual leaders succumb to injury and ill-health because these symptoms are messages from your mind, body and spirit. These symptoms are a language. The body's way of telling us a myriad of things, for example, 'you're not sleeping enough which means I'm not able to do all the maintenance and repair work we need', or 'you're holding onto too much resentment and it's hurting our digestive system', or 'I'm not getting enough nourishment from the foods you're choosing', or 'I'm really tired of working so hard, please take a break', or 'you're still suppressing that childhood trauma and those old emotions are starting to damage our organs', or 'there's some old limiting beliefs from childhood that need to shift'... These symptoms start out as a proverbial tap on the shoulder but if we keep ignoring the tap, the body 'speaks' louder until it's giving us a proverbial slap in the face that we cannot ignore. Me, this week I've had a repetitive strain injury in my right wrist, an agonising bout of an ear infection in my right ear, and terrible pain in the right side of my neck to the point I couldn't turn my head... but guess what, I was still taking clients for healing, entertaining friends and family, and babysitting the grandchildren! It was a visit with a friend, who's also a healer, that made me stop for a moment and ask myself what was going on with me... something was showing up on the right hand side of my body that was for certain! The right side of the body, which is controlled by the left brain hemisphere, is our 'masculine' side so problems on this side can be a message about our work, career, money, duty, responsibilities, and so on. It could also be about a male or masculine influence in our lives but in my case I believe it was to do with work - I've been doing too much, frankly. As well, let's look at the ear-ache and the neck pain. Sometimes the body can be quite literal with its feedback! Clues can be found in colloquial language. What or who in my life is a 'pain in the neck'? And what or who am I sick of listening to, or wish I didn't have to listen to, anymore? When I started asking myself these questions and doing some EFT Tapping on myself, I had several revelations. More importantly though, the pain in my neck and ear shifted and lifted. I was quickly feeling much better! I also had some realisations about what I needed to do differently going forward. My message to you this month, then, is to take a moment to listen to the language of your body. Do it now, even. Close your eyes and take a scan through your body from head to toe and notice everything that's not quite 100 per cent right. From an eye-twitch to a sore knuckle, a dodgy elbow, some fungal growth between a couple of your toes... all these things are messages/feedback/information. Your body-mind-spirit is trying to get your attention. Take some quiet time of introspection to understand its language. Have a wonderful November! Lots of love, Zoe xx PS I am offering guidance and healing sessions over Skype/Zoom/Facetime/BOTIM - get in touch if you'd like to book an appointment! Just click here. For Dubai clients, I've found that Teamviewer also works very well. PPS To add names to my free, distant healing group, go to my Facebook page here www.facebook.com/zoehendersonhealer
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Zoë HendersonIntuitive healer, horse whisperer and animal communicator who works with the angels to offer healing and guidance to all beings. Archives
February 2023