Zoë's Blog
Intuitive musings
Hello Darlings! This month, I am particularly excited about my new work with energetic facelifts (you may have read how it all started in last month's blog). Of course, I still have my ongoing work with people and animals in need of healing. In fact, I have a handful of very serious cases at the moment. Some of my clients are terminally ill people who have been told there is nothing more to do but prepare for the end of their life. At times like this, it can be a healer’s role is to alleviate a person’s suffering as they make their transition, other times it is to give them a few months more life in the Earth plane, and of course there are also miracle healings. Whatever the outcome, it is emotionally harrowing work to be by someone’s side and hold space for them as they go through this kind of thing. In some ways, I believe that spending time on energetic facelifts gives me much needed relief from the demands of the more serious healing work. That is not to say that energetic facelifts are not also healing work, they definitely are. When people come to me looking to have their wrinkles faded to fine lines, the work to do that involves shifting some of the energy that caused the lines in the first place – sadness, grief, regret, trauma, and so on. That old saying about how life is written on our faces is true, in fact some scientists at Edinburgh University have even studied it. However, I must admit that, as well as the healing aspect of the energetic facelifts, I am absolutely fascinated with exploring and experimenting with just how much a person’s face can be rejuvenated, restored, even reshaped with the use of energy medicine. Does it work for everyone or are there people for whom it won’t work? Does it work better for some than for others? If so, why? Is it permanent? (As permanent as these changes can be given that aging is of course an ongoing process.) These energetic facelifts are my current fascination because wouldn’t it be marvellous if we could get the effects of a surgical facelift without using knives? In the process, perhaps we could make people understand how their emotions and life experiences, if left unresolved, are etched upon the face and body. The physical self reflects the mental and emotional self. This is as true of work-related stress causing headaches as it is about sadness causing bags under the eyes. When you erase the sadness from someone’s soul, it reflects in their face as brighter eyes and more youthful skin. I am still though in the beginning stages of my work in this area and I am still after ‘guinea pigs’. I would like to have about 10 ‘guinea pigs’ whose genuine and untouched ‘before and after’ photos can be shown to others about the potential results. I will show all case study before and after images – even any that are not so successful because I believe it’s crucial to be transparent about what can and cannot be achieved. Just like in conventional Western medicine, results will vary from person to person. See below the two people I have completed six sessions with so far... WOULD YOU LIKE TO BE A GUINEA PIG? To find my ‘guinea pigs’ I am offering a special and limited half price deal. A regular, single session with me in person is about £100 so I am offering 10 people the chance to have a single ‘taster’ session of the energetic facelift for just £50. As well, I am offering a package of six sessions for the discounted price of just £250 to 10 people. Normally, six sessions with me in person would cost about £630. Guinea pigs need to meet some criteria though – you need to be able to have all treatments over a three-week period with me in person, at my home in Englefield Green, Surrey, UK. You will also need to be happy to write a short testimonial and to have your before and after images used for marketing. I can’t imagine I will ever offer these prices again so if you’re interested, and if you meet the criteria above, you can book a single half price session here – you will need to use the coupon FACELIFTOFFER to get the discounted price. This discount coupon expires on 30 September 2019 or when 10 people have used it, whichever is first. If you would like to book a six-session package straight away, email me at [email protected] so we can work out your dates and times. Lots of love, Zoe xx PS I am offering guidance and healing sessions over Skype/Zoom/Facetime/BOTIM - get in touch if you'd like to book an appointment! Just click here. For Dubai clients, I've found that Teamviewer also works very well. PPS To add names to my free, distant healing group, go to my Facebook page here www.facebook.com/zoehendersonhealer
Zoë HendersonIntuitive healer, horse whisperer and animal communicator who works with the angels to offer healing and guidance to all beings. Archives
February 2023