Zoë's Blog
Intuitive musings
Hello Darling!
I can barely contain myself today. I am your typical mother who is bursting with pride for my amazing son, Charles. He's just completed the world's toughest footrace, the Marathon Des Sables. What is it? If you ask me, it's a week of self-inflicted torture. But officially it's a 250km race over endless sand dunes in the Sahara Desert over six days. It's basically a marathon every day for a week. The runners have to carry all their own food and equipment on their back and water is rationed -- even though temperatures are in the 50s centigrade -- if the water ration is exceeded, the runner is penalised! And at night they sleep in tents made of goat hair. Due to these extreme conditions, their feet swell, crack and bleed under the pressure and the heat. I know what you're thinking. Why on earth would anyone do this?! Well, for Charles, the motivation was raising money for the London Air Ambulance Team, where he works. As a paramedic, Charles knows more than most about the vital and important work done by this organisation. And there is still time to sponsor them - go to https://www.justgiving.com/fundraising/charles-henderson3 But anyway, how did it go for Charles? Of about 1000 of the world's best athletes, he finished in the top 20 per cent. Thus my heart swelling with pride! Just to finish this race is a huge achievement -- many fall by the wayside due to the gruelling conditions. Anyway, like I said, I am bursting with pride and also relieved he's safely finished. I also know for sure that he had a team of angels helping him and the rest of the team with whom he completed this mission. It reminds me that our friends in Spirit can offer invaluable help and support at times like this but ultimately we still have work to do here on the earth plane. To use a bicycling analogy, the angels can lubricate the wheels but we still have to do the pedalling! Still though, the angels tell me that although there is a great deal they can do to smooth your path in life, guide you gently around the obstacles in your way, and ease your burdens, you still have to ask for their help. This bit is essential. This is the way the universe is run. It is a universal law. I talk about it a lot more in my earlier blog, Harnessing the Power of Angels. So, my advice for you in this blog is to take 10 minutes of quiet time, alone. Turn your phone off, shut the door, etc... and sit down with a pen and paper. Write 'dear Angels' at the top of the page, then tell them anything you want to tell them about the challenges you're facing. Then ask them to take these challenges and find the best solutions, tell them you are giving your challenges to them to sort out. Ask them to guide you to take any action and decisions necessary on the earth plane but that you know that they have many more resources than you as well as a much broader perspective on solutions available. You now hand them the job of overcoming these challenges in the highest and best way. Lots of love, Zoe xx PS I am now offering angel guidance and healing sessions over Skype/Zoom/Facetime - get in touch if you'd like to book an appointment! Just click here. PPS I've started a weekly distance healing list on my Facebook page - write the names of any person or animal that you'd like me to send healing to, I put a new list up every Monday, check it here... www.facebook.com/zoehendersonhealer
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Hello Darling!
A couple of days ago, I had a friend over for lunch and we got talking about angels, angel communications and signs. Despite a huge rise in awareness in the last 20 or so years, thanks to the work of wonderful people like Diana Cooper, Doreen Virtue and more recently Kyle Gray, there is still a great deal of confusion and disbelief surrounding angels. Even amongst people who follow one of the world's main religions, Christianity, Islam and Judaism, in which angels feature prominently in all, many devotees still find it hard to say they believe in angels, despite also claiming that every word of the Bible or Koran is 'gospel truth' so to speak. I understand it of course. The idea of invisible beings with wings who only want to help us does smack a little of Father Christmas and the tooth fairy. We 21st Century humans are so indoctrinated with the value of the five senses that anything that cannot (usually) be perceived with our own eyes or ears is difficult to comprehend. So when you get someone like me who comes along and says I can actually hear angels speaking to me, I'm often dismissed as 'harmless but doolally' or I'm condemned as a deliberate and malicious fraud, preying on the vulnerable. I honestly don't mind... these days there is an army of us who believe in and work with angels so I am in good company! However, I'm digressing a bit because today I want to offer a few tips and hints for how you can better harness the power of angels in your life. There is, you see, a huge army of unemployed angels just waiting for us to give them something to do by asking for their help. This is because we are governed by the law of free will -- which means we have to ask and it is given. Angels and other light beings will not just decide what we need for us and take action without our say so. So, here are my top tips: 1. Assume that there are angels everywhere you go, hovering about you and saying 'What do you need? Come on, give me a job, how can I help...' then talk to them 3. There are billions, trillions, bazillions of angels out there... so feel free to call on some of the unknown ones (and take the pressure off the popular ones like Archangel Michael - not that He can't handle it), so call upon the angels of cats, the angels of cars, the angels of coffee shops, the angels of curtains, the angels of plants, the angels of spring, the angels of dreams... 3. Generally speaking, messages from angels fall into several main categories – they provide answers to your prayers/requests; they confirm that they’ve heard your prayers and are on the job; they offer reassurance that you’re on the right path and all is well; they offer comfort by just letting you know that they’re there; they guide you towards your life mission, and they warn you about situations that you might want to avoid. 4. Angels use synchronicity and coincidences to give you signals about your life path and their presence. When you notice these signs, thank them as it will encourage them to do it more often. 5. The thing is, often people realise they’re getting some kind of angel message but they don’t what the message is, they can’t understand what the angels are trying to tell them. Perhaps they’re pulling the same oracle card over and over again, or perhaps they’re hearing the same name from a load of different sources, or perhaps they’re seeing the same recurring number everywhere, a client of mine came to me and said he’d been seeing the number 222 everywhere, it was the time his bus left, it was the time on the clock when he woke in the night, it was the amount of change he received at the shops… he knew this was an angelic message but he didn’t know what the message was. How can you interpret angelic signs? Ask yourself, 'have I prayed for anything? Is this confirmation that they're on the job? Have I been struggling lately? Is this reassurance that all is working out? Have I been holding back on making a decision? Is this a nudge to taking that step forward?' If you're still not sure, try automatic writing. Sit down with a pen and paper, make sure you'll not be disturbed for and then set a timer for 15 minutes. Take a couple of moments to close your eyes, take three deep breaths and say, ‘I call on my angels to communicate with me now’ pick up the pen and write, Hi angels, I know you’ve been giving me signs, what are you trying to tell me? Then write the first thing that comes to your mind, even if it’s just one word. Continue this back and forth Q&A without lifting your pen from the paper until the timer goes off. Don't stop writing, don't edit yourself or correct grammar, just allow the flow. If you do give this a go, I'd love to hear how it went! Please do put a comment below or perhaps a message on my Facebook page at www.facebook.com/zoehendersonhealer Lots of love, Zoë xx PS I am now offering angel guidance and healing sessions over Skype/Zoom/Facetime - get in touch if you'd like to book an appointment! Just click here. Hello Darling,
This week finds me in a period of mourning. After a period of illness, a very close friend of mine has passed into Spirit recently and I am deeply saddened by his loss from my Earthly, physical life. As a spiritual healer and psychic, people often mistakenly assume that I am not so effected by the passing over of loved ones as I know that they are simply going back 'home' and at some point I will join them back there, as will we all. However, while knowing this does offer some comfort, it does not compensate for the deep sense of grief at having lost the person from this physical life. Yes, we are all spiritual beings - first, foremost and always. But while we are incarnated here on Earth, we are also physical beings and our bodies of skin and bone have their own consciousness and intelligence. The body craves for the touch and smell of our loved one, the body yearns to see that person, hear their voice and their laugh. This chapter of their existence, though, is finished. Yes, they simply move to another form of existence and we may even continue to have a relationship with that person while we are here and they are there but it's a different type of relationship. This new relationship state is to what we must adjust. There is no avoiding the raw pain of grief that comes with the passing of a loved one. And no good is done by denying yourself the process of fully grieving. Emotions must be processed, felt and released, in order to transform into something lighter and more positive. This is simply part of the beautiful cycle in which we're participating. There is also an honouring of the person in the grieving process. I would advise though, that you also honour them by calling to mind the times they were at their best, their happiest, their most generous, their kindest. Remembering their earthy life this way is the greatest show of honour and respect you can give them. And please let me assure you, they are very aware of your thoughts and actions with regards to their memory. So, raise a glass to their name, light a candle to their memory, get a tattoo, make a donation to their favourite charity... they see it all. My final thought is to let you know that death can in fact be the ultimate healing. Sometimes, when I am asked to work at the bedside of someone who is terminally ill, my role is not to try and heal them of their condition. My role is in fact to help them transition to Spirit as smoothly as lovingly as possible, without fear. Lots of love, Zoë xx PS I am now offering guidance and healing sessions over Skype/Zoom/Facetime - get in touch if you'd like to book an appointment! Just click here. Hello Darling!
Or should I say, 'kia ora' because as I type this, I'm on the other side of the world from my UK home in Englefield Green, visiting my twin sister Zandra in New Zealand. Yes, our parents named us Zoë and Zandra, a nice ring for identical twins. My apologies if you're reading this while in Europe because I'm about to rave a little about the New Zealand summer. This burst of heat after months of winter in England feels wonderful. My depleted Vitamin D levels are getting a much needed top up and I understand why flowers are compelled to turn their heads towards the sun. Its healing and rejuvenating rays are literally life giving. As well, I am always happy to be with my sister, the person with whom I've shared three score and ten or so years walking this planet. When we were born, our parents felt like we were a miracle. I described in my book how our Mummy, through the earlier years of her marriage, suffered from four miscarriages. She just couldn’t hold her babies. About a year before our arrival and at the age of 40, in despair and with a last hope, she went to church and lit a candle. She silently wept as she sat in the pew and prayed to God and the angels for a child. A year later she had us. When we were told this later in our lives, she said we were the result of a miracle! Zandra and I were always known as the Hall twins as no one could ever tell the difference to be able to identify ‘ourselves’. We were inseparable as children and never got tired of each other’s company. She, though, was the more studious one who did well in exams whilst I was the daydreamer, who did not. Identical twins were rare where we lived in the 1940s so we were stared at a lot. Mummy loved it and all through the years until we left home, and for some time after, the local press would follow our lives with updates in the newspapers. Zandra and I hated always being pushed in front of the cameras. Our lives were all in print with photos, ‘the Hall twins’, with write-ups on the latest events of our lives. The strong bond between us has remained with us all the way through our lives but there is a downside to this. I literally feel my sister's pain. Like the time she had to have an emergency peritonitis operation - I was awake all night in agony. "At least you had anaesthetic for it!" I told her later. The weirdest thing though, which still happens to this day, is that when we are together for any length of time and then part our ways, we swap characters on departure. We say our goodbyes, in tears more often than not, and then we are 'in' each other. Although we look alike, our characters are quite different. Many a time once we are settled back to our own places, we ring each other and say, “Please will you get out of my body?” It is a strange feeling, I speak the way she speaks anyway, and we have the same mannerisms. However, we swap actions, she acts like me and vice versa. This can last for a couple of days or even up to a week, and we always get ourselves back at the same time. So if I don't quite seem myself when I meet you back in England when I'm first home from New Zealand, that may be why. I'm not myself; I'm part Zandra! Lots of love, Zoë xx PS I am now offering guidance and healing sessions over Skype/Zoom/Facetime - get in touch if you'd like to book an appointment! Just click here. |
Zoë HendersonIntuitive healer, horse whisperer and animal communicator who works with the angels to offer healing and guidance to all beings. Archives
February 2023