I first met Zoe 6 months ago when I asked her to come and treat a young dressage mare post hock surgery. I am a semi-professional dressage rider. Have trained 2 of my own horses to Intermediare 2 level and produced several young horses which I owed from foals. The young mare Zoe treated was one I have owned since a foal and she had caused damage to her right hock after kicking the stable wall a few years ago. The hock had swollen hugely but with time the original swelling went down and she started her ridden career.
Whilst never lame when working, she didn’t feel equal or even when I rode her. I could feel her movement asymmetry and she was causing my back, as well as her own, to become tight on the same side as the damaged joint. After much veterinary investigation she was sent to an equine hospital for a hock arthroscopy. The operation went well and the vet was able to ‘tidy up’ the damage caused from the wall kicking. However, she was left with a large swelling, the size of a golf ball, to the side of the hock joint. The vets told me that this was quite normal and not to be too concerned about it. But the golf ball sized lump was hard and unmoving and I was concerned that it would affect her ability to flex the joint. I was told by the vets that the swelling would most likely remain.
Enter Zoe! After just one session the lump to the side of the hock joint reduced dramatically within 2 or 3 days. It was approximately half its original size. A few weeks later Zoe came and treated the mare again as the swelling had increased slightly (but not back to the original size). Once again, the lump decreased. After a few more weeks and one more session with Zoe, I’m so happy to say that the lump is approximately one quarter of its original size and has remained so for the last 3 months. It is barely visible now! Zoe is a truly talented and gifted individual who is wonderful to be around. Calm and caring with a genuine love of horses (and people) and I would absolutely recommend her to anyone to treat their horses!
Charlotte, UK, November 2021
I first met Zoe 6 months ago when I asked her to come and treat a young dressage mare post hock surgery. I am a semi-professional dressage rider. Have trained 2 of my own horses to Intermediare 2 level and produced several young horses which I owed from foals. The young mare Zoe treated was one I have owned since a foal and she had caused damage to her right hock after kicking the stable wall a few years ago. The hock had swollen hugely but with time the original swelling went down and she started her ridden career.
Whilst never lame when working, she didn’t feel equal or even when I rode her. I could feel her movement asymmetry and she was causing my back, as well as her own, to become tight on the same side as the damaged joint. After much veterinary investigation she was sent to an equine hospital for a hock arthroscopy. The operation went well and the vet was able to ‘tidy up’ the damage caused from the wall kicking. However, she was left with a large swelling, the size of a golf ball, to the side of the hock joint. The vets told me that this was quite normal and not to be too concerned about it. But the golf ball sized lump was hard and unmoving and I was concerned that it would affect her ability to flex the joint. I was told by the vets that the swelling would most likely remain.
Enter Zoe! After just one session the lump to the side of the hock joint reduced dramatically within 2 or 3 days. It was approximately half its original size. A few weeks later Zoe came and treated the mare again as the swelling had increased slightly (but not back to the original size). Once again, the lump decreased. After a few more weeks and one more session with Zoe, I’m so happy to say that the lump is approximately one quarter of its original size and has remained so for the last 3 months. It is barely visible now! Zoe is a truly talented and gifted individual who is wonderful to be around. Calm and caring with a genuine love of horses (and people) and I would absolutely recommend her to anyone to treat their horses!
Charlotte, UK, November 2021
Hi Zoe. I wanted to thank you very much for the beautiful work you did with us, me and Elk. Elk's eye was immediately better after your work. It stopped crying and started staying open a little bit better. Now it's perfectly open also if it is still white on the cornea, hope it's going to get better in the next days. In the last 3-4 days also his feeling is changed. I feel he is happier and he is sometimes smiling. This is good for him, very good, because he is normally quiet sad. I will never stop thanking you for what you did. I can't explain you in words how much I love that horse, but he is a fundamental piece of my heart and of my life and I really want to spend long long time with him and see him healthy. Melissa, Milan, Italy, July 2020 GRACE THE GERMAN SHEPHERD |

This is Grace, my beautiful German Shepherd who is nearly 14 years old.
Grace has had a few health issues over the years and was really struggling to walk due to chronic arthritis in both hips.
Zoe Henderson came into our lives through a friend last year, and since then Grace has had healing sessions regularly with her via Zoom.
Now the difference in my girl’s health is astonishing, she is brighter almost puppy like, and eats everything put out in front of her!!
When she hears Zoe’s voice she responds straight away, and goes to sleep through the healing sessions. She always wakes up refreshed, and with a marked improvement in her walking.
I can’t thank Zoe enough, she is a special lady who understands the animals, instinctively knowing where their problems are, and how to treat them. Grace adores her❤️. I’m sure if Grace could speak she would say “Thank you so much Zoe”. I’m so grateful and glad my friend recommended Zoe Henderson to me!
Lynsey Simon, Geneva, January 2021
Grace has had a few health issues over the years and was really struggling to walk due to chronic arthritis in both hips.
Zoe Henderson came into our lives through a friend last year, and since then Grace has had healing sessions regularly with her via Zoom.
Now the difference in my girl’s health is astonishing, she is brighter almost puppy like, and eats everything put out in front of her!!
When she hears Zoe’s voice she responds straight away, and goes to sleep through the healing sessions. She always wakes up refreshed, and with a marked improvement in her walking.
I can’t thank Zoe enough, she is a special lady who understands the animals, instinctively knowing where their problems are, and how to treat them. Grace adores her❤️. I’m sure if Grace could speak she would say “Thank you so much Zoe”. I’m so grateful and glad my friend recommended Zoe Henderson to me!
Lynsey Simon, Geneva, January 2021

"Zoë is an amazing miracle healer and I am so grateful to her and so is my Ballerina because she has saved her from surgery.
"Ballerina is my beautiful black Argentinian polo pony, age 7. About a month ago, she came back from the pasture with a wound on her rear left foot. It had a deep cut inside the sole. At first, the vet said it was not a serious matter and all what she needed was to stay at rest until it would heal by itself. Unfortunately the vet was not a very good one. After 3 weeks, she was still limping and it was not taking a good way.
"I demanded the clinic send another vet. When that new vet came, after x-rays, his prognosis was very bad: it had taken a bad turn. A germ had attacked the bone, which had started flaking, and a spare bit of this flaking was dangerously loose in the foot. The vet urged me to have her taken into surgery at once. I was in a panic about it. This vet and his whole team at the vet clinic insisted that there was no other way, and it was urgent to do surgery before the foot worsened. I was in a middle of some dramatic issues with other horses and some other of my animals and I didn’t feel comfortable about my mare going to their clinic. All the vets I asked for advice gave the same verdict.
"But I insisted on giving her a chance before going to the clinic for surgery so she was put under severe antibiotic treatments by injections directly in her leg plus others given by mouth. That is when Zoë appeared!!!
Immediately, when Zoe came online to do the first healing on Ballerina, the energy levels went higher here. Even one of my cats, who had very bad bronchitis, was healed! And I also felt much better. Zoë started doing her miraculous first healing on Ballerina, and to the vet's surprise, Ballerina started doing better. Unfortunately the Coronavirus confinement started then and Zoë couldn't come to my stables in France. Nevertheless, the healing sessions were held on Skype and it worked! The vet decided with his team to x-ray Ballerina every four days and see. But they gave me just one week of postponing surgery and not more... amazingly though, each x-ray in those days showed Ballerina's foot was getting better and better. At first, it was only a little hope but then they started to watch out and acknowledged the spare bit of loose flake was fading away. After just after the second Zoë healing session on Ballerina, the vet said the spare bit of bone flake had gone (after new examination with x-rays) and that Ballerina would NOT need surgery!!!
"What an amazing and extraordinary healer Zoë is ! I can’t thank her enough and I will keep up healing sessions with her. I am just sorry I did not meet her before, since I am certain that she could have saved my poor mare Tijereta and my pony Reglisse, who had both passed away before I met her. Zoë is an incredible and wonderful angel healer."
Judith Belisha, France, April 2020.
"Ballerina is my beautiful black Argentinian polo pony, age 7. About a month ago, she came back from the pasture with a wound on her rear left foot. It had a deep cut inside the sole. At first, the vet said it was not a serious matter and all what she needed was to stay at rest until it would heal by itself. Unfortunately the vet was not a very good one. After 3 weeks, she was still limping and it was not taking a good way.
"I demanded the clinic send another vet. When that new vet came, after x-rays, his prognosis was very bad: it had taken a bad turn. A germ had attacked the bone, which had started flaking, and a spare bit of this flaking was dangerously loose in the foot. The vet urged me to have her taken into surgery at once. I was in a panic about it. This vet and his whole team at the vet clinic insisted that there was no other way, and it was urgent to do surgery before the foot worsened. I was in a middle of some dramatic issues with other horses and some other of my animals and I didn’t feel comfortable about my mare going to their clinic. All the vets I asked for advice gave the same verdict.
"But I insisted on giving her a chance before going to the clinic for surgery so she was put under severe antibiotic treatments by injections directly in her leg plus others given by mouth. That is when Zoë appeared!!!
Immediately, when Zoe came online to do the first healing on Ballerina, the energy levels went higher here. Even one of my cats, who had very bad bronchitis, was healed! And I also felt much better. Zoë started doing her miraculous first healing on Ballerina, and to the vet's surprise, Ballerina started doing better. Unfortunately the Coronavirus confinement started then and Zoë couldn't come to my stables in France. Nevertheless, the healing sessions were held on Skype and it worked! The vet decided with his team to x-ray Ballerina every four days and see. But they gave me just one week of postponing surgery and not more... amazingly though, each x-ray in those days showed Ballerina's foot was getting better and better. At first, it was only a little hope but then they started to watch out and acknowledged the spare bit of loose flake was fading away. After just after the second Zoë healing session on Ballerina, the vet said the spare bit of bone flake had gone (after new examination with x-rays) and that Ballerina would NOT need surgery!!!
"What an amazing and extraordinary healer Zoë is ! I can’t thank her enough and I will keep up healing sessions with her. I am just sorry I did not meet her before, since I am certain that she could have saved my poor mare Tijereta and my pony Reglisse, who had both passed away before I met her. Zoë is an incredible and wonderful angel healer."
Judith Belisha, France, April 2020.
Easing cats with cancer
"Zoe’s healing gift with animals has touched our lives deeply by helping our cats through difficult illnesses. Two of our cats were in the final stages of their illnesses when we reached out to Zoe, and through her healing and guidance they made a dramatic turnaround and came into much more ease. "Our cat Baraka (meaning ‘blessing’ in Arabic) was in the final stage that cats reach when they are ill and lose all their life force and seek out a quiet place to rest and transition. She had been diagnosed with kidney disease and despite doing everything we could with medical care, we assumed this was the decline into the final stage of the disease. "Fortunately, Zoe was in Dubai at the time and she gave Baraka her hands-on healing. She also relayed to us that Baraka was feeling heat inside her body and that this is most likely a lingering bladder infection. Zoe gave Baraka a healing energy boost that helped her hold on, and we rushed her back to the vets who did indeed find an infection that they had assumed had previously cleared. "After a long course of antibiotics, the infection fully cleared and Baraka has been back to her normal bright sweet self with no need for the extensive kidney support she’d been on before. "As well as the healing Zoe gave Baraka at that critical time, her ability to communicate with animals helped to identify and locate the problem that had been missed by the vets and needed urgent medical intervention. "We were also fortunate that Zoe was in Dubai when another one of our cats, Shams (‘sun’ in Arabic) who is in the final stages of a rare aggressive cancer, took a turn for the worse and we thought we were about to lose him. My husband and I were devastated to see him decline so quickly, first with losing his sight to the cancer, then with the cancer quickly spreading to his liver. We were advised that chemotherapy would be unlikely to improve the outcome of the disease, so we opted for caring for Shams and easing the final stage of his life as best we could. "On the day he took a major turn for the worse, he lost what little life energy he had left, and seemed to be preparing to retreat for his final transition. A lump appeared on his throat that seemed to be making it difficult for him to breathe. Fortunately Zoe was in Dubai at the time, and we hoped that her healing would help ease Shams’s transition and passing. At this stage we were assuming the worst and could never have imagined what actually happened. "Zoe gave Shams hands-on healing while he lay there with no energy within him, then slowly he started moving and turning to let Zoe’s hands go to where the healing was needed. Zoe felt the lump in his throat and performed psychic surgery on it. I was astounded to then feel his throat and find that the lump had all but disappeared, with only a small trace left, and Shams could suddenly breathe with so much more ease. "After 45 minutes of healing, Shams licked his lips, got up, and went off to find his food bowl and have a wander round the house. For the next days he continued to have his energy back and on the third day Zoe gave him a second healing. After this second healing, the lump in his throat completely disappeared. Since then Shams has been going about his daily little joys of cuddles, eating, hearing the birds and smelling the breeze, and resting in between. "Although Shams’s cancer is too far progressed in the rest of his body to reverse, with God’s grace, Zoe’s healing has brought him more ease and life force which we believe has prolonged his life and significantly improved his wellbeing. Zoe has also reassured us through communicating with Shams that he’s not in pain and that he’s happy just being with us, as we are with him. We’re grateful for every extra day and week we’ve been blessed with his sweet loving presence, thanks to Zoe’s healing." Hala Mouneimne, Dubai, December 2019 On the hoof
Having had such success with Zoe with my other horse Dali, I asked Zoë to do some healing on my beautiful Spanish Stallion, Musgo. He had suffered a limonitic type attack, although after thorough testing, the vets could not get to the bottom of what was wrong. He had sore front feet and it would take him a while to walk comfortably and with ease. I asked Zoë if she could help and she said she’d do her very best. The day after his first treatment, he pulled me out of his stable and pulled and tugged all the way to the paddock. He then could barely wait to be let off and as soon as he was, he went off bucking and squealing! I can’t thank Zoë enough for what she’s done for me and my horses and I can’t recommend her enough! Yvette Craig Canine pack mentality
I asked Zoë to see Cleo because she had a relationship problem with other dogs. Soon after the healing we went away for a weekend and Cleo stayed with the breeder. When we first arrived poor Cleo spent the first 15 minutes or so completely plastered to the ground, on her back, in submissive position - her sister and her auntie wanted to make sure that she knew her place in the pack... We left soon after, when the dogs had calmed down some. When we picked Cleo up on the way home, the breeder said she couldn't get over how well-adapted Cleo was, how she quickly and easily found her place in the pack, and how well she played with ALL the dogs - her sister included. The breeder literally said, "I can't get over how mellow and well-adjusted she is. She's a joy to have and completely understands the pack mentality. She was so calm, happy to play, but always calm afterwards." And it's true: When we picked her up, Cleo was just relaxed, mouthing and greeting the other dogs, but not in submission - but rather, in love. I feel change is afoot in Cleo, and I know that this past weekend was a big test for her - one she passed with flying colours. I've yet to see how she reacts to other dogs on leash, and head-on, as our treatment together, since we haven't met any yet (we either were out and didn't cross any other dogs, or Cleo would just plain refuse to go out for anything else than relieving herself in the rain. An Update about Cleo: Cleo's behaviour with other dogs is markedly improved. She is still having some issues with black dogs for some reason, and smaller dogs on leash. They tend to be the ones who have also charged at her/ nipped her heels/ just been plain little-dog-feisty, so we continue to work on it. She is SO much better when we come across men in hats, though! :-) I noticed that for a while at least, she seemed to be wanting to dominate less in play, although I think much of that depends on the dogs she's playing with. She's met a wonderful, handsome four-footed fellow named Chester - a beautiful Hungarian Vizla - who has been really good about showing her what he will and won't stand for, and I feel like that's having a knock-on effect on her play behaviour. She's also been more able to walk by other dogs on leash without getting completely riled up. Christina C., Switzerland |
Mother and son bonding
My two horses, Lina and her son Kevin, have never bonded. As soon as weaning was over Lina took an instant dislike of her son, if he even looked in her direction she would go crazy, ears back, teeth bared etc. They could just about be turned out next door to each other but never have any contact. Leading them together was unheard of! This situation made Kevin a bit aggressive towards his field mates. Zoë came and saw both horses a couple of months ago. It wasn’t obvious straight away but I did notice that Kevin was behaving himself with his field mates almost immediately. Then one day, I noticed them talking to each other over the fence. To my delight they have become inseparable. The relationship between mother and son has flourished since Zoë’s treatment. I can’t thank her enough. I plan to have regular top-ups. SJ, UK Animal actions speak louder
I first began having treatments for both my horses and myself about two years ago and since then I have never looked back. It is often said that we wish our animals could talk but actually sometimes actions speak louder than words. To watch any of my horses being treated by Zoë leaves you in no doubt that something very special is taking place. Every horse responds slightly differently during the healing sessions, but afterwards they all have one thing in common, they are all very relaxed. I could not believe my eyes the first time Zoë visited my stables. One by one each of my horses got down in their stables and fell asleep. I had an entire yard of sleeping horses at 2pm. Given their electric personalities, this was an unbelievable situation and if I had not seen it with my own eyes I would never have believed it! The healing treatments that Zoë administers to me and my horses helps us in so many different ways and on so many levels. Zoë’s treatments gives me reassurance, happiness and the combination of her amazing results leaves me emotional and speechless. Nathalie Kayal, UK Dynamic duo
Body, Mind and Spirit – is the way I would describe what Zoë does. She doesn’t only look for the physical symptoms, but most important, she looks for the origin of the problem or trauma in the mind that creates the physical imbalance. Because the mind and body work as a complete system – they are 'one'. The horse will only give a top performance when the two are in balance and working together. Even though Vive is nearly 25 years old, covered in her winter coat with a muddy mane, Zoë can see through this and see this one beautiful horse as he is and as he once was. Zoë is very aware that Vive has his purpose still. Zoë is able to see the special characteristics of each horse and single out their differences. Antyas can sometimes be very fidgety around handlers or healers he does not know. However, when Antyas first met Zoë he was very relaxed and behaved as if he had known her all his life. Camile Ramanen, Switzerland Horsebox dramas
Zoë was originally recommended to me by two different friends. They had used her to treat their animals successfully. I’m so glad they did, she has made such a difference to my horses' lives! I was having trouble with my horse Dali, a highly strung Andalucía. The horse was clearly very intelligent and had so much talent it was unbelievable. However, we had some major problems. Firstly, he was a nightmare to load on to the horsebox. Secondly, he couldn’t relax and seemed generally always on edge, and thirdly he was struggling with a specific movement. Loading – Dali had always been tricky to load but the problem got worse and worse. He had got to the point where you would get him up the ramp onto the lorry, but he would then turn straight around and get back off. He would then stress and sweat up on the journey and get off the lorry absolutely soaked. It really hit its worst point when trying to load him to come home after a training session and he was so desperate to get back off the lorry that he crushed me and dislocated my shoulder and damaged my arm. Zoë has worked with Dali on this and has helped to not only get him on the lorry easier, but he now travels without sweating up and is more relaxed. Being uptight – Dali has always been just a bit highly strung and uptight. Since seeing Zoë, Dali is now very relaxed, has a great relationship with me and is now unaffected by most things, whether is be a loud noise or things moving or flapping near him. I cannot believe what a different horse is now and everyone comments on the difference in him. Struggling with a movement – Dali is a dressage horse and he is working at quite a high level at home. He could do some really complicated movements, but he could not/ would not do a walk canter transition, which, considering what else he can do, is very basic. It didn’t matter what I tried to do, he would get very het up, he’d rear, buck, leap, trot off sideways, anything but do the transition. Zoe spent a session with Dali on this. The following day I rode him, I asked for the walk canter transition and it just happened as though he’d always done it. I couldn’t believe it. I did it again and again, he just kept doing it with no fuss. My friends and trainer could not believe it! With every session he has with Zoë, Dali seems to grow and develop within himself, I couldn’t be more pleased! Sore doggie ears
Dear Zoë, Bella is doing really, really well and the chronic ear infection she has had for the past two years is nearly gone. I have from cleaning out her ear every day to once a week. She is scratching and itching far less. I credit this recovery to various holistic treatments – acupuncture, Chinese herbs, change of diet and her healing session with Zoe. Cynthia U, Switzerland |
Dear Zoë, I cannot believe the change in Mr Jones. I took him back to the vets,where he had an x-ray and ultra sound. His enlarged heart is back to its normal size!!!! The vet was amazed. Prior to your healing, they said that Mr Jones would not survive the night. His heart rate was a staggering 350 per minute, and his blood pressure was barely readable, because it was so low.
He is still on his drugs, but the vet wants to reduce them by half at the end of March. Mr Jones is back to his playful, lovable self. I do not know how we can ever thank you Zoë. Dear Zoe, Just to let you know the great news. Mr Jones had his 6 monthly check up. Mr Jones has been so well, and I was concerned about him reducing his medication. The vet explained to me that a special blood test could determine if the drugs were keeping him going or his heart was functioning correctly. The blood test proved that Mr Jones heart was working for itself!!!!!! The vets in the practise were amazed at his recovery. I was not surprised, as I had every faith in you Zoë, and all the countless times you have done your absent healing for him. Again we thank you from the bottom of our hearts. Suzie Whitehouse, UK |