Zoë's Blog
Intuitive musings
Hello Darling!
I read a wonderful blog by someone else a week or two ago and I liked it so much that I am doing my own version of its theme here. The writer of that blog was Paula Fellingham of the Women's Information Network and she wrote about the power of appreciation. In my case, she was preaching to the choir! I have been talking about the power of gratitude, positivity and appreciation for as long as I can remember. My clients are always getting told by me to stay positive. In fact, one of the biggest issues I see in in people who seem stuck and cannot evolve to a place of greater wellbeing and happiness is their mental attitude. They will repeat their doubts over and over like a mantra or magic spell. 'This will never work...', 'It's no good, I give up, this will fail...', 'There's no hope...', 'I shouldn't have done that...' 'It serves me right...' etc. These self-fulfilling statements will bring about exactly the situation they describe because WORDS ARE POWER. Words are little packages of energy. Incantations. They are a frequency, a vibration. So notice the words you automatically choose. They are reflecting and matching your vibration. To raise your vibration and create a new, better reality, consciously choose different words. Choose empowering positive words. So, if we bring this back to the power of appreciation, the words we endeavour to sprinkle regularly into our discourse could include: 'I am so grateful, I am so thankful, I am blessed, thank you so much, I appreciate you, I appreciate what you've done for me,' etc. And if we feel the frequency of appreciation and gratitude in our hearts as we say these words, then the Universe can do nothing else but deliver us more reasons and experiences and situations to feel more appreciation and gratitude. It is an inviolable spiritual law. This law does not judge what it delivers. It is as dispassionate as the law of gravity, which does not judge whether or not it is 'good' or not for an object to fall to Earth. That is simply how the law works. Similarly, the law of attraction does not judge whether what you are magnetising into your life is 'good' or 'bad'. It simply gives you more of the same, more of what you are 'asking for' through your vibration - which is effected by the words you choose and the feelings you feel. The power of appreciation is that it builds an atmosphere of love and gratitude. The need to be appreciated, to feel appreciated, is one of the most fundamental human needs. We need to be needed! The best place to start your appreciation practise is with yourself and your family and friends. Here are some ideas to show yourself and your loved ones appreciation: 1. Show appreciation to yourself Write a post-it note to yourself (or several) and thank yourself for something, and stick them up where you will see them regularly eg, 'Thank you for always feeding the cat on the morning so your husband can have five more minutes in the shower' 'Thank you for being a loving partner' 'Thank you for picking up litter in the park yesterday. Write new ones every day or two. Do this for a week and see how you feel. 2. Show appreciation to your family At the dinner table, have everyone in the family write their name on a piece of paper then everyone passes their paper to the right. Each person writes something they appreciate about the family member on every sheet of paper that comes past them until they've got their own piece of paper back. They can then read the comments and all family members can say something about the family that they appreciate. 3. Show appreciation to your friends For example, the next time you're with a friend for coffee, say, 'let me buy you a coffee today just because you're so fabulous and I love your company.' 3. Show appreciation to strangers When you see the street cleaner who works for the council go by say, 'thank you so much for keeping our town clean'. At the supermarket, say to the check-out person, 'thank you so much for your lovely smile when you're so busy'. In your favourite cafe, 'I love the way you put a heart shape on my latte, thank you!' Making appreciation a habit helps make the world a kinder, nicer place. This is the pandemic we should be working on to spread around the world. And I believe that if we really did have a global pandemic of appreciation, it would significantly reduce the not-so-nice pandemics we're experiencing. Do you have any other appreciation suggestions? I'd love to hear them, put them in the comments below! Lots of love, Zoë xx PS I am offering guidance and healing sessions over Skype/Zoom/Facetime/BOTIM etc. - get in touch if you'd like to book an appointment! Just click here. For Dubai clients, I've found that Teamviewer and ToTok also work very well. PPS To add names to my free, distant healing group, go to my Facebook page here www.facebook.com/zoehendersonhealer
Zoë HendersonIntuitive healer, horse whisperer and animal communicator who works with the angels to offer healing and guidance to all beings. Archives
February 2023