What can you expect during a session of intuitive guidance?
A session with Zoë is a profound and healing experience. Typically, it includes about 50 per cent guidance from the angels and 50 per cent healing energies for the mind, body and spirit. Zoë works with angelic beings to channel the frequencies from a higher plane of existence that can provide healing here in the Earth plane.
"I am a channel for higher energies and I've been doing this since I was a child so it's very strong," explains Zoë.
"When someone comes to me for a session, I will first explain to them that the information offered to them, as well as the healing energies, come from the angels - not from me. I am not doing the healing, I am simply the vessel or filter that is able to bring the energies through into this dimension."
Zoë is also quick to explain that she does not offer fortune telling information - although sometimes the advice from the angels does offer information or guidance about the future. In general, the intention of the guidance is to offer solutions and new perspectives on where the person is stuck in life or not getting the results they desire. The aim is to help the person understand what path they should be on, how to get on it if they're not already and how to stay on it. The client is welcome at any time in the session to ask the angels, through Zoë, any kind of specific question about any part of their life.
Zoë also offers tools that people can use to keep themselves on their path, including visualisations, meditations and advice such as reconnecting with nature. In addition to the power of the hands-on experience, the client also benefits from the powerful healing properties of the BioMat. For more information, click here.
"I get messages coming through me from the angels to give to the client, half is guidance and half is healing. The angels send the energies through me into the client and I am guided to particular parts of the body that need more help – this is energy for mind, body and spirit. So it may be for a physical ailment, it may be for stress or anxiety. Everybody generally sleeps during the treatment – they go under a type of spiritual anaesthetic!" Zoë says.
"I don’t see the angels as figures, I see clouds or shapes but I absolutely, 100 per cent, feel them. A sense of peace and comfort comes over me and I feel like I’ve taken a happy pill when they come close, and I can feel when they touch my shoulder or wherever."
Zoë says that, once a person is in good health, it pays to keep up regular sessions with the angels for maintenance so that the body is always balanced.