Zoë's Blog
Intuitive musings
Hello Darling, There is basically just one word on the lips of the entire world right now: coronavirus. Aka covid-19. It is absolutely incredible how swiftly and comprehensively this virus has brought the world as we know it to its knees. The structures on which we have built our lives, societies and communities have crumpled almost overnight. Our financial institutions, our governments, our civil liberties, our food supply chains, our healthcare systems, our social welfare systems... all have buckled and groaned under the weight of the pressures from this unprecedented pandemic. Will anything ever be the same again? I don't think so. Me, I'm currently self-isolating at home. I have found myself verging on hypochondria and 'coronoia': 'Oh no, my throat is dry, do I have the virus?' I've found myself thinking this kind of thing quite a lot as I scan myself every day for the signs of symptoms. I suspect I'm just a little run down but who knows? To be on the safe side though (and at the insistence of my panicking children!), I decided to stay put, be at home alone, for the duration, before we were all told to go into lockdown as a nation. So I haven't seen friends or family in person for almost two weeks. I'm doing an awful lot of talking on Skype and online video! It's keeping me sane. Every night at 7pm, I have an online date with a dear friend and we have a 'quarantini' together (a vodka martini that you have at home alone). As well, I've started doing yoga in the morning with a yoga teacher who's offering free online classes during the corona lockdown. I'm also doing all of my healing sessions online so my work continues. Online and distance healing is just as effective as it is in person and I am happy that people are realising this - healing energy is not bound by time or space. So many things are changing so quickly. Like I said, will anything ever be the same again? No, I don't think so. The real question is, is this a good or a bad thing? That depends on you and what you decide to choose. So what will you choose? What will you focus on throughout, and in the aftermath, of this whole thing? Will you go into fear and panic? Or will you choose love and self-care. It is very easy right now to go into fear. Like I said, I've done it myself. All you have to do is watch the news for a few hours and you'll feel your anxiety levels skyrocket! The problem with this, though, is that a state of anxiety triggers your sympathetic nervous system, which floods your system with cortisol and in turn suppresses your immune system. In other words, the more anxious you get about the virus, the more susceptible you make yourself to getting it! (Oh, and all that cortisol triggers the body to store fat as well - that's right, stress makes you fat! If there was ever a reason NOT to get too anxious, surely it's that!) Of course you must take all the steps necessary to keep yourself and your loved ones safe, but do this from a place of LOVE. Nourish your body with fresh, wholefoods to strengthen your immune system. Keep up your levels of vitamin C through food and/or supplementation. Make sure you get fresh air and daily exercise. Get plenty of sleep and drink plenty of water. I would encourage you to notice when you find yourself sinking into a black hole of fear and panic and catch yourself before you do. This is because the universal law of attraction means that whatever you feel, brings more of that feeling and calls in more experiences for you to feel that feeling. Here is part of a message from the Indian yogi and spiritual teacher, Sadhguru, on this: “Whatever we are talking about is what we are perpetuating in our experience. The only way to keep any kind of illness or virus or flu away is to not talk about it and it will dissipate itself. What we do instead is keep checking the statistics or keep spreading the "awareness" messages on social media without noticing that the more we talk about it, the more it becomes active in our vibration. History is full of evidence of epidemics because of the mass consciousness created by fear of the disease. Fear is a very strong vibration and more fearful we are of any epidemic it becomes a reality very fast.. it's the law. The more you feed the energy of fear the more profound it becomes. Ignore the things you don't want to participate in. Stop discussing it with family and friends; stop checking out the latest statistics. Stop watching incessantly the news about Corona Virus. Take your attention away and It has no power on you. The creation of anything is to give thought to it by keeping it active in our vibration by being afraid of it. Hook yourself up with ever flowing stream of well- being”. It's easier said than done, I know, but if you can turn your thoughts to positive ones, it will help. For me, I am grateful that this situation has finally got me doing yoga; I'm grateful for all the friends and loved ones I've reconnected with for the first time in ages; I'm grateful for this enforced relaxation because my body needed it (I'm not good at relaxing normally); I'm grateful to finally have plenty of time to try that new cake recipe; I'm grateful for the neighbours who have stepped in to help me... and for so many more things that have come out of this experience. And don’t resist solitude, embrace it. Think yourself so lucky to have time to spend just evaluating your life. Use it as a chance to get away from the pressures of your normal day and be able to let your mind go to a positive, constructive space. Think of what really matters to you. It’s not material wealth; CV-19 does not mind if you are as rich as Croesus or poor as a church-mouse. What is important is that you will continue to just live. Value those whom, if they succumbed, you would be devastated. All of us have had to deal with the enormity of the death of a loved one, use this time to love your friends unconditionally. Value yourself. When faced with this sort of crisis, is it not the time to put all distractions to one side, and just appreciate how amazing you are? And vow when this is all over, to live your life embracing what you have learned. Be less self-critical; be less critical of others; look at how you can add not take away. What an unforgettable time we are living in. From the bottom of my heart, I hope that you stay healthy and safe as we navigate our way through this as individuals, as families, as communities, as nations, and as a species. Lots of love, Zoë xx PS I am offering guidance and healing sessions over Skype/Zoom/Facetime/BOTIM etc. - get in touch if you'd like to book an appointment! Just click here. For Dubai clients, I've found that Teamviewer and ToTok also work very well. PPS To add names to my free, distant healing group, go to my Facebook page here www.facebook.com/zoehendersonhealer
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Zoë HendersonIntuitive healer, horse whisperer and animal communicator who works with the angels to offer healing and guidance to all beings. Archives
February 2023