Zoë's Blog
Intuitive musings
Hello Darling!
I am happy to tell you that I recently got my certification in EFT Matrix Reimprinting. I’ve been a standard EFT practitioner for many years, Matrix Reimprinting is a way to enhance traditional EFT, which is also known as Tapping. I have been using EFT Tapping with my human and animal clients for many years, it’s a wonderful complement to hands-on and intuitive healing. Going through this training with the founder of EFT Matrix Reimprinting, Karl Dawson (www.karldawson.org), has been a powerful reminder of how so much of our current life, our trials, tribulations and joys, are the result of beliefs laid down in our childhood. I am reminded that, no matter which healing modality you’re drawn to experience, positive transformation almost always boils down to healing childhood trauma. This is the best way to profoundly transform your life. We need to go backwards in order to go forwards to a more desirable future. We need to dig down before we can grow higher. And it all starts much earlier than you might think! As soon as our consciousness, or our soul, enters the fertilised egg in our mother’s womb, our development starts being impacted by our external environment – most notably by the emotions and thoughts of our mother. As well though by the energies and thoughts around us and directed at us as babies in the womb. For example, we know if we are wanted and planned for; we know if our births are eagerly anticipated or if our parents are anxious at the prospect of having another mouth to feed. We know if our father wants a boy but we are a girl. We know if our mother secretly hopes we will be blonde and petite but we are in fact red-headed with a squat build. Even at this foetal stage, we can form beliefs about being a disappointment and being unwanted and, if unaddressed, these beliefs can shape our lives. As unborn babies, we swim in a cocktail of our mother’s emotions and hormones. Her heartbeat is the soundtrack to our world. We feel her anxiety, her excitement, her sadness and so on. If she feels safe and loved, we feel safe and loved. Our brain’s development is shaped by its exposure to the chemicals of these emotions. We’re also exposed to the same toxins as she is so whatever gets into our mother’s bloodstream gets into ours. Swirling through the soft tissue that’s forming our brain, organs, bones and flesh. BUILDING YOUR OPERATING SYSTEM Then we’re born into the world and, for the next six or so years, we are both a sponge and a blank canvas, forming beliefs based on our experiences and observations. These beliefs, or programmes, form the operating system for our lives. This operating system is permanently running quietly in the background. Its purpose is to keep us functioning in the world in which we live. Its purpose is to keep us alive and safe. In order to stay alive and safe, we need to know how to fit in with others, how to manage the expectations of others to have our needs met, how to operate within our tribe. We need to know how to belong, how to be loved, so that all our survival needs are met. We need to understand our boundaries. We need to understand consequences or ‘what happens if I do this?’ This operating system runs deep and has many levels. The higher levels are somewhat easier to upgrade but the deeper programming is more challenging. It’s worth remembering that every single belief and program that has been laid down in your subconscious operating system is there because part of you sees this as a benefit, it keeps you safe, it assists you in belonging, in having a purpose. So if a male neighbour molests you at the age of four, this trauma and violation will form beliefs and programmes to keep you safe, beliefs such as ‘I can’t trust men’, ‘my parents can’t protect me’, ‘the world is dangerous’, ‘sex is dirty and violating’, ‘I don’t have a voice’, and so on. These beliefs always ‘serve’ us in some way but sometimes they out-live their usefulness. For example, the woman who cannot understand why she lurches from failed relationship to failed relationship may be because she is running the ‘I can’t trust men’ programme. This is where wonderful healing modalities like EFT Tapping and Matrix Reimprinting can help us shift our lives. In brief, by tapping on these old memories we can delete the effects of the traumas from our energy field. Doing this means that the trauma no longer sends constant ripples out into our present life. YOU ARE A FOREST When we talk about childhood experiences forming our adult life, we often use the metaphor of a mighty oak tree that starts as a tiny seed encoded with a blueprint that unfolds with the help of sun and water. We know too that the best time to impact the shape of how the tree will grow is when it’s young and pliable. This is a good analogy but I would like to offer you a different one. Instead of seeing yourself as a single tree, I like to think that each of us is like a whole forest of many trees, or a garden full of different blooms and plants. Some trees in your forest may grow tall and strong but perhaps there are some that are overcrowding the others. It might be that your garden is beautiful and bursting with colour, a haven for bees and insects and wildlife. Maybe a few weeds pop up and shrubs need pruning back but you deal with it all quickly and the garden stays beautiful. You pull the weeds up by the roots before they get set in and spread. Or perhaps your garden is overgrown with weeds that have choked the flowers and bushes. Maybe you didn’t bother tending your garden or watering it. The good news is that you can always begin transforming it back to something beautiful, it might just take a big effort initially but then it’s a matter of maintaining it with regular love and care. So if you are to be a gardener for your soul and your life, what will you plant? And what weeds need pulling? How far down do the roots of these weeds reach into the soil of your subconscious? There’s no point just cutting them off at ground level, they will grow back and spread to other parts of your garden. How can you make your garden as beautiful and healthy and thriving as it can be? Remember too, you have the power to uproot anything in your garden and you have the power to plant anything you want as well. How does your garden grow? If you’d like to experience a healing session with me that combines EFT Matrix Reimprinting with intuitive guidance channelled from your angels, click the link and make an appointment. I can see you online or in person. Lots of love, Zoë xx PS I am now offering guidance and healing sessions over Skype/Zoom/Facetime - get in touch if you'd like to book an appointment! Just click here. PPS To add names to my weekly, free distant healing group, go to my Facebook page here www.facebook.com/zoehendersonhealer
Zoë HendersonIntuitive healer, horse whisperer and animal communicator who works with the angels to offer healing and guidance to all beings. Archives
February 2023