Zoe does regular live sessions on a wide range of intuitive and healing subjects including animal communication, healing, angels, meditation, and more. Here is a list of links to replays of some of these sessions. To catch her own live sessions as they happen, then go to her Facebook page and click 'like' or follow: https://www.facebook.com/zoehendersonhealer/ Zoe also runs a regular, fortnightly show on the spiritual Facebook channel Bridges of Light - Ponti di Luce.
18 November 2020 - Live Angel Card Readings on on Bridges of Light Facebook page. Zoe and her assistant Tamara host this show where anyone can get communication and healing for their animal family members. https://www.facebook.com/zoe.henderson.9887/videos/10158928268446550
21 October 2020 - Live Angel Card Readings on on Bridges of Light Facebook page. Zoe and her assistant Tamara host this show where anyone can get communication and healing for their animal family members. https://www.facebook.com/zoe.henderson.9887/videos/10158853540001550/
7 October 2020 - Healing Pet Problems on Bridges of Light Facebook page. Zoe and her assistant Tamara host this show where anyone can get communication and healing for their animal family members. https://www.facebook.com/zoe.henderson.9887/videos/10158815839251550/
September 23 2020 - Live Angel Card Readings on Bridges of Light Facebook page. Zoe and her assistant Tamara host this show where Zoe offers advice on psychic protection; gives a group healing, and viewers ask their questions in the comments section and Zoe offers live advice with messages from the angels and card readings. https://www.facebook.com/zoe.henderson.9887/videos/10158775725131550
September 9 2020 - Healing Pet Problems on Bridges of Light Facebook page. Zoe and her assistant Tamara host this show where anyone can get communication and healing for their animal family members. In this show, Zoe offers healing and guidance for George, Isabel the German Shepherd, Luna, Blanche the Siberian cat, sisters Luna and Lola the fighting rottweilers, and Bilbo. https://www.facebook.com/zoe.henderson.9887/videos/10158736064756550www.facebook.com/zoe.henderson.9887/videos/10158736064756550
August 26 2020 - Live Angel Card Readings on Bridges of Light Facebook page. Zoe and her assistant Tamara host this show where viewers ask their questions in the comments section and Zoe offers live advice with messages from the angels and card readings. https://www.facebook.com/zoe.henderson.9887/videos/10158695215746550
August 12 2020 - Healing Pet Problems on Bridges of Light Facebook page. Zoe and her assistant Tamara host this show where anyone can get communication and healing for their animal family members. In this show, Zoe offers healing and guidance for Grace the German Shepherd, Mia, Alfie, Tara the wandering cat in Dubai, and George. https://www.facebook.com/697376637/videos/10158349592496638/
July 8 2020 - Animal and Angel Communication on Bridges of Light Facebook page. Zoe and her assistant Tamara host a session on animal communication, they run a competition for viewers in which one person can win a free session with Zoe. This is the first of a regular fortnightly show. https://www.facebook.com/zoe.henderson.9887/videos/10158548869631550/
June 24 2020 - Animal and Angel Communication on Bridges of Light Facebook page. Zoe and her assistant Tamara host a session on animal communication, they run a competition for viewers in which one person can win a free session with Zoe. This is the first of a regular fortnightly show. https://www.facebook.com/697376637/videos/10158202324336638/
June 2 2020- Zoe is interviewed on the spiritual Facebook channel Bridges of Light - Ponti di Luce by the channel host, Gaetano Vivo, they discuss Zoe's life as a healer, psychic and animal communicator. https://www.facebook.com/gaetano.vivoreiki/videos/10219161109551573